Hardy said:
Week 1 (two weeks YAY!!) was really an interesting start to this class. It was really nice to have the time to start the class and then have Spring Break in the middle of it. For overachievers like myself that meant I was able to go ahead and get started on the projects for each week, get them mapped out and completed. At least that was my plan...that is until my wife let me know we were going to be using our Spring Break to Spring Clean and purge the house of all items we decide we no longer need. So my days have been spent moving things around as best as possible (my back still hurts from a four year old using it as a trampoline and the very heavy plastic outlet safety covers) and then falling asleep early because of the honey do list that I was working on that day.
Looking back at the start of this class, I really was worried about the lack of clear due dates, but the email has really helped me out, a lot. The previous courses with their “Honey Do List” style of check-offs really helped me focus on what was most important (what was due first) and what I had time to work on (the big projects at the end). This helped me to create a timeline in my head and let my brain know what it needed to focus on and what could be processing in the background (it sounds weird, but that’s what really goes on in there).
With the email, I have now been able to clearly focus on what needs to be completed and with the Spring Cleaning finally completed - focus is now back on the classes at hand and what needs to be completed.
Concerns and Worries - I am so focused on the end goal that my worry is something will go wrong. I have worked hard to keep the 4.0 GPA the entire year that I am so freaked out that something is going to happen that I won’t finish with the 4.0 or worse the dreaded, not feeling your ARP-Sorry. The final interview is really weighing heavy on my mind knowing it is only a month and a half away. The nervousness I feel comes from the not knowing-like what was talked about in Wimba-we’ve been working on these projects - getting good scores on our blogs and turning items in, but what if it’s not what someone wants...what happens then???
stress-just the added bonus of being a student...
My reply: I echo your frustration about the urgent need to prepare for all the faces us in the last few weeks of this program. However, unlike yourself, I find my motivation has all but turned completely off. I am trying desperately to revitalize my determination to be a success. I think part of the issue is the idea of the cost has finally hit me. "What did I do?" I silently wonder at times. I have most definitely benefited from this process; however, I hope that in the long run (or even better, short run) I will see the remuneration.
I have not enjoyed the open due date. When its not spaced out, I don't see the end. I need the order of the due dates to propel my motivation. Sadly, the intrinsic desire to succeed is not strong enough to thrust me into gear.
I have not enjoyed the open due date. When its not spaced out, I don't see the end. I need the order of the due dates to propel my motivation. Sadly, the intrinsic desire to succeed is not strong enough to thrust me into gear.