Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week One Blog 2- What to do?!

Have you ever started your day, passionate about the events that you were to face throughout the day? Things seem to go pretty smoothly; you get through most of the day. The morning flies by and you run to get lunch. When you get back in your car to return to work, the battery won't turn over. You try and try, to no avail. And finally, frustrated, you smack your hand on the wheel, take out your phone and call someone to rescue you. At this point, you want your day to be over. You ignore the work that otherwise would be your release, and relish the hand if the clock as it moves slowly towards the final moment when you can leave.

Well, this fairly well summarizes how I feel right now. I was moving along nicely, about to pull together all the loose strings of my ARP. That is until three weeks ago the hard drive I had moved all my massive files to, crashed. Now I feel like I am at a stand still because most of my articles were listed there, all my work from month one through nine, and a lot of stuff that I still needed to add to site. I am trying to find the motivation to pick back up and make this degree a reality. 

1 comment:

  1. There's one thing we never have time for and that's things going wrong that take what little energy we have to accomplish the big projects. No time for this! But, in the end we pick up all the pieces that we've kicked about and fix what needs to get fixed so that we can move on.
