I was excited to find Delicious because it enables me to save sites at home and easily access them at school. I also really like NetVibes and what it provides. I have been using it ever since I found it. I like that Web 2.0 tools are interactive and allow for collaboration amongst peers. The ideal that multiple people can work on one document at the same time simplifies life. There are a huge amount of resources that are available for free now that allow for educators to be inventive in their use of them in the classroom. From creating Wikis to journaling online, students have to begin to gain access to these tools in order to get the most out of their education. Blogging is a great way to release the frustration or innermost thoughts. It allows one to reflect on themselves as well as what other people think on the topic. Some problems with trying to incorporate Web 2.0 tools in a classroom setting: lack of support from admin or parents, lack of available technology. As a teaching tool, I haven’t found a negative aspect of using Web 2.0 tools in my classroom, as of yet. But I have only been back to work from my sick leave for three exhausting days. I have, however, used some form of technology with my students everyday. We made Xtranormal videos talking about the idea of respect, Blabberize videos about responsibility, and created a Goals organizer on Dabbleboard. I guess not every student is interested in using these tools at school and that could definitely be a problem. We must continue to strive to meet the needs of students in every learning style. At my school the internet is slow and some of the people at the school don’t really get the importance of using and that could be a problem. However, I will continue to strive to do everything I can to reach all my students and help them be 21st century learners.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Week 4 - Blog Posting #7 -Second Life
Second Life is something completely new to me. The first time I had ever heard of SL was when we had to meet there for our month one class. Prior to that, I had never even considered that a place like this existed. I really do enjoy the world but haven’t had the time to explore it like I would like. However, I can see the educational benefits of this program and would love to be able to incorporate it into my classroom. There is a clear potential use for SL where people can collaborate, become immersed in the world around them, create anything imaginable and interact with people around the globe. (University of Florida 2007) The benefits of meeting with people who have the same central goal can impact learning. Imagine studying about the Japanese culture. But rather than just reading about it, you and your students could travel to Goryoukaku in SL and explore the Gardens and the culture. Or you could venture to SIETAR and have your students learn about various cultures through virtual games.
Most of the references that I saw to using SL in the classroom setting were on the college level. I think with all firewalls and preventive programs it would be almost impossible to use it in the average middle or high school classroom. People who are unaware of the benefits of educating students through a virtual environment would be scared of something like this. I know that my administrators would not take kindly to me even trying to propose the use of SL in my room. They are afraid of the change and think that the online learning does not require social interaction. That is one of the benefits of Second Life. You can collaborate and work and have fun with people from every walk of life. (Wong, 2006)
University of Florida. (2007, February 8). Distance learning moves into 'second life' virtual classroom. ScienceDaily.
Wong, Greg. (2006, November 14). Educators explore ‘second life’ online. Retrieved from CNN.com on September 25, 2009.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Week 3 - Blog Posting #6 - Communities of Learning
When people have central objectives and work together to accomplish a mutual purpose they have created a community of practice. Groups that do just that surround us in our everyday life.
We are born into a community of people who help us grow and develop as young people, showing us the right way and listening to our concerns.
We move into preschool, where we are taught to share and everyone is in there because their parents had to drop them off before work. They learn together, play together and nap together.
Our community expands as we move into elementary school. We are all there because our parents have encouraged us to get the most out of our education and we work together for the mutual goal.
In middle school the friend community is our support when we cannot handle the stress of school and parents. Those are whom we turn to when we are overwhelmed and need help finding a resolution to the problem. Now students have so many ways to make that social connection with each other and even others outside of the community where they live. Now the options of who you can confide in has expanded beyond anything we could have imagined ten years ago. Dating options have grown; adults have begun to see online dating as a great way to find others in the communities of practice.
Second Life is a wonderful example of a community of practice. People go there to meet with likeminded individuals to accomplish a central goal. When we explored Second Life, I was amazed at what was all out there. I didn’t even know such a place existed until a few months ago. While it might be a bit much for some people, the resources available to us and the people available to us can help to solve most problems encountered. This vid was developed inside Second Life and helps to explain how the communities of learning actually work.
Week 3 - Blog Posting #5 - Social Media
Social media is newest buzzword when talking about Web 2.0. The consumer becomes an active participant in the online community, not just a passive observer. Consumers vote on news stories, create blogs, build social networks and upload videos and pictures. (Davies, 2007)
I have learned a lot about what this thing called “SOCIAL MEDIA” is in the last few months. I created a Myspace and a Facebook over two years ago because my students kept asking me if I had one. Since then, I have been hooked. FB has given me the opportunity to connect with people from my past that I hadn’t heard from in fifteen (or more) years. Now I am a part of their lives on a regular basis. When I was upset about my surgery and recovery a few weeks ago, I posted it on FB and received communications and notes from people I knew who had been through the same thing. To be honest, FB was my lifeline during my recovery. I was able to communicate with people while I sat at home alone. I was able to connect with people who had my same struggles. I was able to use the Blog feature to reveal the painful struggle I was dealing with; even if no one read it, I was able to let it out in a public forum and it helped. Most importantly, I was able to play games like Yoville and Farm Town to keep myself busy and not focusing on my emotions and what my body was going through at the time.
This year I began a Twitter, primarily to be used with my classroom. I have given my username to parents and students but have had very few responses as of yet. Maybe, when I go back to work on Wednesday, people will be more apt to follow me because then I will be talking about school related stuff. Maybe the idea of a teacher on Twitter is more than some of my parents can handle. I don’t know, either way I will continue to update it daily, when I update the homework on my school website. Hopefully, the vision will catch on.
Davies, G. (2007, August 21). Social media: dig, myspace, youtube- web 2.0 interview. Ecommerce Rocks. Posted to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsxvXgpNQik&feature=related
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Week 2 - Blog Posting #4 - 21st Century Learners & Life Learners
What is a 21st century learner?
Ø A 21st century learner is one who learns through the use of the available technologies that our society has become dependent on.
Ø A 21st century learner no longer needs someone to dictate the answers for them; they have the capabilities to wade through the sea of information available at the click of a button.
A 21st century learner communicates with others and used that communication to gain knowledge.
A 21st century learner questions and challenges the ideas.
A 21st century learner creates.
A 21st century learner collaborates with others that have the same interests.
A 21st century learned is responsible for what they learn.
During the last few weeks I repeatedly have heard about how out of touch with the times that schools and teachers today are. We are still preparing students to thrive in the industrial age, rather than the digital age. Many teachers are frustrated with this lack of direction and leave the profession before they have the chance to become seasoned teachers (Carroll 2005). Why is that? Part of the reasoning comes from poor working conditions; however, many new teachers are so disturbed with how out of touch administrators and other teachers are; they are not in touch with the students and their needs. Speaking from experience, there is nothing you can do to get through to some of the people that are in a place of power. They are not understanding and do not think that making the changes to incorporate technology into the curriculum is valuable. Even the mere idea is scoffed at because, “The students will mess it all up.” Or “Teachers don’t know how to use it.” I completely sympathize with the teachers that run before rather than stay and fight. Honestly, I have already had the thought cross my mind numerous times in the last five years. I flourish in most anything I try; I know I would excel at another profession. And yet here I am, enrolled in a Master’s program that encourages the use of technology in the classroom and even gives all the tools to make the dream a reality. Maybe I’m a dreamer, maybe I’m unrealistic, but I do feel that change will come when the right people begin to see the value in encouraging our students to think for themselves and become 21st century learners.
What is a Life-long learner?
I have often considered myself to be a life learner. I often joke that I plan on staying in college forever because I want to always acquire new knowledge and (jokingly of course) I don’t want to have to pay back the government for all the loans I’ve had to take out to fund this education. According to Jeff Gitomer, there are several things that must be in place for a person to be a life long learner. Am I really defined as a life learner? (Here I will only discuss the three I found most relevant.)
1.) Positive attitude: I have a positive attitude most of the time in life. I do have a tendency to be self-deprecating but when it comes to my education, I do have the outlook that I can do it!
2.) Listen: I am a great listener. I am one of those people who listen to the story or experience fully. I think about the conversation and play it back in my mind over and over. Only then can I begin to analyze and understand what was said. For example, a few summers ago I had the amazing opportunity to participate in a weeklong seminar offered by the Florida’s Humanities Council. It was one of those opportunities that really change your outlook on life. A lot of the skills that were learned were about how to interview people and how to find the story. The people around me were just whipping out questions to ask the featured guests, and I just sat there. My friend asked me why I wasn’t asking questions, and at the time I didn’t really understand why either. But after thinking about the experience, I realized I am a listener, and need time to process.
3.) Read: Reading is one of my favorite things to do and has been for years.
So how can I help my students want to become life learners? I think one of the best ways is to allow them to explore, create, collaborate, research, question. We can create life learners by creating 21st century learners.
BuyGitomer (2008, April 2008) Life Long Learning [Video File]. Video posted to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh6yd6wfCgU
Carroll, T. (2005, July 1). Induction of teachers into 21st century learning communities: creating the next generation of educational practice. New Educator, 1(3), 199-204. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ819905) Retrieved September 15, 2009, from ERIC database.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Week 2 - Blog Posting #3 - Media Literacy
I have the feeling the a vast majority of the educators throughout the field, are completely out of touch with how out of touch their teaching really is. How often have you heard a teacher in the hall, complaining that the behavior of students today is not what it used to be? Could it not be a behavior problem but a boredom problem? If the student is not engaged and actively pursuing their own quest for knowledge, they are much more likely to tune out, shut down and act out.
The evidence that kids today learn differently is all around us. They learn by doing, creating, competing, communicating and cooperating with people on a global level. In the 3 Steps for 21st Century Learning, they use an Alvin Toffler quote, “The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” My fear is that this statement defines most educators today. A lot has to be done for teachers to begin to understand that the traditional teacher method is no longer effective, and in many cases, can be detrimental.
Greg Whitby, Executive Director of Schools for the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, talks about the idea that we need to be “Co-constructors of knowledge.”
This past summer I decided to completely reevaluate how my classroom flowed and what I can do to actively help my students take ownership of their education. I want them to do what they can do delve deep into the topic and find out the answers for themselves. Accessing the available Web 2.0 tools, bringing in virtual play, video games and many of today’s instant forms of communication are just the beginning to ensuring that we our students are 21st Century Learners. Dr. Stuckey, from the 9/14 Wimba session, said that one of the many benefits of a world like Quest Atlantis is that it puts the user, the student, into the content.
I am energized at the direction that many educators have begun to explore. Hopefully, the excitement is contagious and more and more of us will do all we can do better the lives of our students.
Halaw, Jackie. 3 steps for 21st century learning. Video posted to http://www.youtube.com/watchv=2yCB4i7GJuM